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  “ It is crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off” Hebrew 2:1MSG It’s beautiful to see an individual...

Thursday, 22 February 2018


I know the word isn’t new to you, in fact 100% of lives on earth understands it. Though It’s denotative meaning is associated or relate mostly to those at sea( sailors and other water users) but storm connotes lots of things.
Storm is a strong violent wind of the sea creating a high turbulent wave to either halt, impede or completely destroy movement of sea vessels and users.
Without proper understanding or experience of storm, one could easily be engulfed by fear of its rage. For the ship sailors and captains, they don’t have to consider the loss of lives in their vessel only but the damage(loss) of the vessel also.
At the instance of its approach, certain accessories will be shut down for easy maneuvering of the vessel to escape the storm or reduce the effect of its damage. This requires smartness, observance, skilfulness and experience. Aside these, courage is also required of the captain to face the devastating effect of the storm amidst fear, chaos and pandemonium created by the passengers.
The effect storm create makes it negative, destructive and undesirable by anyone. When Jesus and the disciples in the boat were crossing to the other side of the river, they experienced similar thing. I’m sure the captain of their ship or the sailor of the boat must have tried all his expertise even with the assistance of the other disciples. When it was now beyond them and they feared sinking in the ocean, they called to the master ” caresth thou not that we perish?”
Now imagine, the storm didn’t even recognise the one that created it; seated right in the boat, yet it came with either of its negative intention.
Should storm be afraid of you or I?    Or should we be afraid of storm??
On a general note storm connotes any impediments to goals. This implies on a small scale that storms are challenges and as there exist several challenges to our goals, dreams and aspirations so are the number of storms. In fact some goals and dreams may come with more than one storm.
Away from the negative effect storm create, its often said that there exist an advantage in every disadvantage. The case of storm isn’t different.
The storm must have created an opportunity for the disciples to exercise their faith and authority rather fear gripped everyone of them and left them shouting ” Don’t you even care that we perish?”
And when Jesus stoodup and commanded( made a mild talk to) the storm, immediately it recognised the voice of the Maker and came to a ceased.
In awe the disciples exclaimed ” What manner of man is this? Even the wave of the sea obeys him”
That was a great lesson for them to have taken advantage of. I’m very sure some must have seen the advantage in the negative effect of the storm and had regretted ” At least I should have expressed my faith and authority perhaps, if my faith is weak enough to calm the storm, my master’s would have compensate it .”
While we always complain and regret of the delay, impediment and destruction storms create, we need also understand that most storms do not come with the intention to destroy us completely but to bring a great lesson our way. It’s only left for us to see in that perspective and accept it while exercising our faith and authority in the One who wouldn’t sit quiet and allow us be destroyed but also have the power to use the storm to lead us where we ought to be. :De-exceptn+
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1: 2-4.
Next time you experience a storm or you’re undergoing one, endeavour to see the positive side of it, embrace it, take advantage of it and trust in the One who’s able to calm the storm – Jesus Christ.
If this gas blessed you, reflect and take advantage of tour current storm or any that may ensue.
Goodmorn, Good afternoon, Good even

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Keep In View(KIV

This is a late post which I forgetfully failed to update late last month, 22nd precisely.
Do bear with me please.
I like to bring to our mind something ignore or consider with levity most times.

When you loose either of your car side mirrors, you’ll understand how tasking it could be on a busy lane to keep your vehicle in track while watching other road users.
I came across an article, then accepted a true fact most persons including myself had doubted about  National Anthems of most countries of the world. And that’s the trace of the presence or critical need God is expected to play in a country’s development, security and wellbeing during and after their creation.
Let’s take a look at the lines of some country’s national anthem.
  • Nigeria/Kenya: Oh God of ‘all’ creation
  • Latvia: God bless Latvia
  • Swaziland: O Lord our God of the Swazi
  • Uganda: O Uganda, may God uphold you
  • South Africa: Lord bless our nation
  • Ghana: God bless our homeland
  • England: God save our gracious Queen(Nation) etc.                        
 These authors and the then leaders who instituted the use of these anthems, recognise how significantly God can be to the rise or fall a nation. 
The need for God’s presence may have been sought in desperation to the development & security of their lands from higher powers. To different levels, these countries have made remarkable achievements, some have even become the world power and hoping for more.
How many national leaders and citizens still recognise God’s role and presence in the affairs of their nation today?Why the sudden departure and estrangement from God??
We tend to remember God in our moments of difficulty, in times of pestilence, draught, famine and other forms of hardship. Then we will earnestly crave and cry out our hearts to God to remove and destroy it completely cos nobody loves hardship.
God had to remind the Israelites He’s more important than the food they sought for in the wilderness(and whatever you may seek). They needed to go through the rough experience of the wilderness in other to appreciate the wonderful work done in the Promise Land.
And Moses told them;
When you’ve eaten to your satisfaction, praise the Lord your God for the good land He has given you.  Your time of plenty isn’t a time to be careless, rebellious but a time to be careful! Beware that in your surplus you do not forget the Lord your God and disobey His commands, regulations and laws. Deut 8:10,11.
See how the NLT put the next verses,
12. For when you have become full and prosperous and have built fine home to live in. 13.  When your flocks and herds have become very large and your silver & gold have multiplied greatly along with everything else. 14. That’s the time to be CAREFUL! Do not forget He rescued you from slavery. 15. Do not be proud at that time and forget that He led through the great and terrifying wilderness, the poisonous snakes and scorpions …
17. He did this so you would never think twas your strength and energy that got you wealth.18. Always remember that the Lord gave you the power to become rich to fulfil His covenant...”
Many countries and individuals have forsaken God. Some are yet to attain ” reasonable ” height yet, they’ve abandoned, forgotten, scorned God and have become self sufficient. I wonder if there’s hope for them at all.
Little wonder why  Agur in his complaints to God neither solicit for riches nor poverty.
” Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my Daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor & insult the name of my God.” Prov 30:8;9.(NIV)
Getting close to God while we are strong and healthy prepares us to lean on Him for support and hope when those difficult days of life come. – Lawrence Darmani

If this has blessed you, your only appreciation to God should be to reflect, retrace and reaffirm your faith & confidence in God today and the days ahead.

The Days Beyond

I had been compelled severally to put up this writing but each time I keep hearing a voice ” there’s but more than this” and that kept me prolonging this. 
Well, while I accept the certainty in that fact because of the momentarily changes of life; I believe this will be both a relief and guide while more changes evolve.
There’s absolutely more to life than just what is obtainable today or from a positive estimations of tomorrow. Perhaps that’s an assurance to the echoing words of the voice. While we often try to resolve issues that ‘most’ likely affect us at the moment, we most times consider but lightly its cause and effect in the nearest future. A positive result of course is never a second thought in anticipation. That’s not to say the reverse is unlikely, but its not at all the case here.
The expectations here is something far better than likely to be achieved. 
Let’s look at two positive options that if rated are found on the same scale. On momentary grounds, having no idea of what morrow holds and which will likely pay more, every reasonable person will consider the immediate benefit of either and that’s likely the choice. 
Below are two areas paramount for consideration amongst youth especially as it becomes the day’s order: The choice to settle or to strive further.
Average number of graduates(first or second degree holder) with a good job or entrepreneurial skill may not consider another option to marriage. The idea might just be to settle with a good partner( helpmate- I’m referring to both parties now, not like the reference from Eve to Adam Gen 2:18) to achieve greater dreams.
Of course a lot will certainly come to play while making this choice. Either as stated above, or the rush to settle in order to avoid being the last man standing(desperation), or to put off some bug(s) under your clothing, or the consideration to other physical factors as the case may be. The fact is, a Choice is reached; whose consequence might be: negative, partly negative, partly positive, positive or extremely positive.
Did you notice I intentionally ignored a least option( deadly negative)? That’s because its a choice which none will expect but that’s the case most times. Of course each of these results, depending on the decisions/action of either or both party.
While there are good number to consider the former option, there exist also reasonable number to consider latter. 
The choice to strive further might just be to have a giant stand, improve on self, be advantaged then…or might seem to be pride, selfishness, lust, delay and others as may be interpreted. But whatever motive its driven on or perceived to be, the pertinent thing is making a good & lasting decision to avoid any of the low consequences listed above.
Yet the chances are there for a far greater height to be achieved in both cases not withstanding the impediments or limitations peculiar to each.
This implies thorough and critical decision making. In fact like the words of a friend, ” a sense of direction is required at every moment” and patience to avoid desperation notwithstanding our immediate circumstance.
In the words of Uncle Paul ” We can rejoice too, when we run into problems and trials for we know they’re good for us and help us learn to endure” Rom 5:3
An affirmation from Uncle James says ” Let your moments of trouble be an opportunity for joy…” James 1:2 NLT
For when we know our troubles and afflictions( our present determinants) are but for a moment, we may patiently endure them.
Oh! If only we can see the joy & glory this affliction will bring for us, perhaps we may teach others endurance, we may teach others patience, we may teach others perseverance.
For our present afflictions/troubles are quite small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever.
So we don’t look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever. 1Corinth 4:16-18.
So whenever you decide between confliction options, be sure you don’t have to regret later.
Have you for choice?
Have you made the right choice??
Can you follow it up???
Can it produce you maximum result compared to that you dropped????
If I have had any fear in life, it is nothing but making a Choice amongst many that’s same as God’s for me. : De-exceptn+
Do have a blessed day.