This is a late post which I forgetfully failed to update late last month, 22nd precisely.
Do bear with me please.
I like to bring to our mind something ignore or consider with levity most times.
When you loose either of your car side mirrors, you’ll understand how tasking it could be on a busy lane to keep your vehicle in track while watching other road users.
I came across an article, then accepted a true fact most persons including myself had doubted about National Anthems of most countries of the world. And that’s the trace of the presence or critical need God is expected to play in a country’s development, security and wellbeing during and after their creation.
I came across an article, then accepted a true fact most persons including myself had doubted about National Anthems of most countries of the world. And that’s the trace of the presence or critical need God is expected to play in a country’s development, security and wellbeing during and after their creation.
Let’s take a look at the lines of some country’s national anthem.
- Nigeria/Kenya: Oh God of ‘all’ creation
- Latvia: God bless Latvia
- Swaziland: O Lord our God of the Swazi
- Uganda: O Uganda, may God uphold you
- South Africa: Lord bless our nation
- Ghana: God bless our homeland
- England: God save our gracious Queen(Nation) etc.
These authors and the then leaders who instituted the use of these anthems, recognise how significantly God can be to the rise or fall a nation.
The need for God’s presence may have been sought in desperation to the development & security of their lands from higher powers. To different levels, these countries have made remarkable achievements, some have even become the world power and hoping for more.
How many national leaders and citizens still recognise God’s role and presence in the affairs of their nation today?Why the sudden departure and estrangement from God??
We tend to remember God in our moments of difficulty, in times of pestilence, draught, famine and other forms of hardship. Then we will earnestly crave and cry out our hearts to God to remove and destroy it completely cos nobody loves hardship.
We tend to remember God in our moments of difficulty, in times of pestilence, draught, famine and other forms of hardship. Then we will earnestly crave and cry out our hearts to God to remove and destroy it completely cos nobody loves hardship.
God had to remind the Israelites He’s more important than the food they sought for in the wilderness(and whatever you may seek). They needed to go through the rough experience of the wilderness in other to appreciate the wonderful work done in the Promise Land.
And Moses told them;
When you’ve eaten to your satisfaction, praise the Lord your God for the good land He has given you. Your time of plenty isn’t a time to be careless, rebellious but a time to be careful! Beware that in your surplus you do not forget the Lord your God and disobey His commands, regulations and laws. Deut 8:10,11.
See how the NLT put the next verses,
12. For when you have become full and prosperous and have built fine home to live in. 13. When your flocks and herds have become very large and your silver & gold have multiplied greatly along with everything else. 14. That’s the time to be CAREFUL! Do not forget He rescued you from slavery. 15. Do not be proud at that time and forget that He led through the great and terrifying wilderness, the poisonous snakes and scorpions …17. He did this so you would never think twas your strength and energy that got you wealth.18. Always remember that the Lord gave you the power to become rich to fulfil His covenant...”
Many countries and individuals have forsaken God. Some are yet to attain ” reasonable ” height yet, they’ve abandoned, forgotten, scorned God and have become self sufficient. I wonder if there’s hope for them at all.
Little wonder why Agur in his complaints to God neither solicit for riches nor poverty.
Little wonder why Agur in his complaints to God neither solicit for riches nor poverty.
” Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my Daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor & insult the name of my God.” Prov 30:8;9.(NIV)
Getting close to God while we are strong and healthy prepares us to lean on Him for support and hope when those difficult days of life come. – Lawrence Darmani
If this has blessed you, your only appreciation to God should be to reflect, retrace and reaffirm your faith & confidence in God today and the days ahead.
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