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Sunday, 7 January 2018

The Worthlessness in Today

I’ve come across several people who value each day and its activity as life eternal. When you walk along the streets, visit business places like mall, market, offices, schools etc; of course you’ll see different individuals each pursuing a particular goal. When a critical look is taken about each is these goals, they all revolve around making the day count and/or investing a part for the future. 
A business mum was asked, “what do you struggle for?” Unhesitatingly she responded ” Of course my children”. They’re still tender anyway, but I’m doing my very best to make sure I give them the best of education in the world and financial support that even if I’m no more, they won’t have much challenges, she ad-libbed.
Certainly every other parents like BillGate, Dangote etc and non-parent’s aim isn’t far from the above. 
In fact, in our Jet age world, a child of 2years already understands and value wealth & technology than morals then talk of a relationship with God.
From a growing child doing academically great to a project manager putting everything in place to ensure project success to the board of trustee and stakeholders; their aim or goal isn’t too different from the parent above.
Mind you, I’m not saying its wrong being ambitious & to gat zeal. But something is seriously wrong pursuing these goals without a second thought. You don’t care who’s affected on the long run. No consideration of its worth in the next few years talk of eternity.
And I ask, what’s the value of your present wealth tomorrow?
I had wished anyone could answer this question correctly.
When the disciples of Christ saw the magnificence of the temple in Jerusalem, probably in their heart, they must have thought its gonna be eternal since its a place of worship and the house of God in that matter. And Jesus knowing their mind told them, when the time (end) comes, their will not be left a stone on the other. Vs 6
And then He went further after several illustration of the destruction that will befall this earth and everything in it saying; ” Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words are eternal” Luk 21:33
Lets not talk about the eternal worth of your wealth yet. How long will that stuff you crave for last? What will its value be by morrow?? Do you know??? 
A man reluctantly rejected the sale of his company/ properties at certain rate, thinking its worth will be far better in years to come thus bringing them much gain. However, after several years when he decided to sale it, he was left with no option than giving at 5% of what he rejected a decade ago.
Now talking about the eternal worth of our wealth, there’s nothing disputable or arguable about that. 
Thence, why being over zealous? Why selfishly pursuing that goal as if its gonna give you eternal life?
 Solomon with all his wealth yet concludes and call it vain, then I wonder …
Most parents prefer a wealthy legacy for their children and be recognised as affluent people rather than leading their kids and youths along the path of eternity. No relationship with God, some gat not even morals but thinking of their parent’s affluence.
When most people hear/see eternity online, they scroll faster or simply close the page even. The truth remains that eternity will surely come, its not human choice to make or decide.
Permit me paraphrase this scripture.  What gain is there after making much/ huge profits in/of the world and at the end you can’t account of it nor take hold of it: yet, you loose your precious soul?? Mark 8:36
Whatever you crave for, inasmuch as its earth, it cannot go beyond the earth. Its worth will certainly depreciate and amount to nothing.
Then let’s curb/ curtail our desires and crave more for the scripture, the life giving Word; then we’re certain even if everything is lost, the optimum remain.
Gdmrn, Gdaftn, Gdeven

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