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  “ It is crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off” Hebrew 2:1MSG It’s beautiful to see an individual...

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Consider the Joy

Everyone of us encounter temptation and obstacles(impediments) in life. Be it an obstacle to our physical dreams and aspirations or to our spiritual race. These obstacles abound to impede our speed, break us down or probably destroy us completely. Mind you, some are there to make us stronger and come out better than we’re though.
When it comes to our spiritual race, there they exist in greater percentage, and have no regard for any so long as you’re determined to follow Christ and to finish strong.
If the devil could tempt Jesus and make effort to ‘deceive’ the author of a book using the lines of His writeup, then neither I or you is free from the devil’s temptation and deception.
In fact, if you do not experience any, maybe you need a proper check if you probably aren’t playing game with the devil.
Remember, Jesus already forewarned us of this, though, not as those without hope or without the necessity to overcome but as a reminder to emphasize its certainty and our preparedness and determination to scale: “… here on earth you’ll face many trials and tribulations but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”John 16:33.
Now even in the absence of other things, the hope from Christ is enough to help us scale.
It’s one thing recognising a temptation and another determining to overcome it.
As a lad in the Lord, so many things will still remain unclear as to what constitute sin and as a result, a swift departure from the path may be certain due to ignorance.
Well, today, even I myself don’t know how true it is for someone to say s/he is ignorant of the makeup of sin.
Our world today advertise sin per seconds, most children even know what’s sin than the adult.
Yes they still need guide and discipline in other not to consider some acts as ordinary especially in our present world where technology brings everything too close.
They require discipleship, nurtured in the word, constant guide along the right path and the help of the Holy Spirit.
Uncle Peter advised: ” As new born babe, desire the sincere spiritual milk that you may grow thereby.” 1Pet 2:2
For the adults, the challenge is not the recognition of sin and its forms but resistance and complete obedience to God.
Severally, when the urge to fall to these temptation ensue, you will hear the Holy Spirit speaking within you, developing ideas and grace to resist but when our flesh has craved and is completely immersed in these things, aligning with the prompting of the Holy Spirit becomes an issue. This results to war between the flesh and the spirit. Remember these two are never friends and can never be.
In Gal 5:16ff, Paul listed out the outcome of any decision made under the control of the Holy Spirit or the flesh.
” For our old sinful nature loves to do evil, which is just opposite from what the Holy Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires which are contrary to our sinful nature. These two are constantly fighting each other, AND OUR CHOICE ARE NEVER FREE FROM THEIR CONFLICT.”
Whenever we’re faced with temptation, its a game of winning or loosing depending on your level of growth in the Lord. And for every game, someone must win, whereas the other automatically becomes a loser( its not optional).
For the loser, a saddened and heavy heart is sure, especially when you’ve putted in your best.
And for the winner, a heart full of joy and jubilation.
Two things are significant about winning: the Passion to win and the willingness to offer permission to the Holy Spirit for assistance(Strength).
And you know the Holy Spirit is meek and gentle in character. He will teach us, caution us, help us see a bigger picture as to make better decisions but the choice is left to us.
So many of us desire desperately to win in every of our spiritual battles. That’s why when there’s a call for rededication, you see tears flow, broken and remorseful hearts that felt shouldn’t have been found wanting.
One thing is sure for each of those moments we failed that grace was and is readily made available to us but our willingness to permit the Holy Spirit to help us becomes our major issue.
I personally can recount of some battles I’ve lost. The regret, remorse and pains that filled my heart may sometimes end up keeping me from moving ahead or even believing I can again overcome. Of course grace has really played significant roles in my life on these occasions and its never taken for granted.
On the contrary, I can never forget some I’ve won and at each end of the battle I feel the joy deep within my heart especially when I don’t expect it to be easy.
That joy keeps me going and boasted to believe I can win similar one or even greater subsequent ones.
No wonder the writer of Hebrew records and encourage; “Therefore since we are surrounded by so a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight that does so easily ensnares us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame; and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Heb 12:1-2.
The passions and desires of our sinful nature will always hunt us and only when we remember that we’ve nailed them to the Cross of Christ, recognise the grace made available to us and consider the glory and joy which will be God’s and ours respectively, can we overcome its urge and subject them continuously under our feet.
May we find grace to overcome always. You shall overcome. Amen.
P.S: If this piece has encouraged you, all you need do is appreciate God and let’s seek ways to continuously win the battles of the life cos we’re wired to win.
Don’t fail to reach us through the details on our contact page if you have any issue you’ll like us to share, write or encourage.
God bless you.
Do have a great week ahead.

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