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  “ It is crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off” Hebrew 2:1MSG It’s beautiful to see an individual...

Friday, 6 April 2018

Service & Solitude

In a growing world of advancement in every facet of life, the enthusiasm, drive and objective to become recognised or reach set goals could be so high that we sometimes get engulfed in various activities(office, Church and home) with little or no attention/care for other things.
Most cases include office work receiving more attention at the expense of the home/Church or Church responsibility taking more attention than home or even the house chores given more attention than the care for self( the reverse may be the case in each as well).

Sometimes this lack of attention or care for other things are not consciously or intentionally done with the motive to remain at the top, rise, become recognised, famous or rewarded( of course that's the major cause) but people so fix themselves unconsciously just to ensure a task is resolved & delivered.
( Mind you, I'm not speaking against industry and diligence).

The effect of this may never be obvious or too visible for the individual but will ensue gradually and ruin the part given little care or neglected.
People die untimely, with undiscovered illness which could be stress. Some homes suffer a lot( if not broken down) from lack of care of the parents due to office or Church responsibility.

Paul told Timothy "If anyone desires to be an elder/BISHOP, he must ... he must manage his own family well, having children who respect and obey him and others..."- 1Tim 3:4.  I often think in the direction that this is the most likely cause of so much choas in our present world.

I wonder how some people manage office work when they can't manage their homes effectively. Whatever office you hold at workplace have to create time for other things no matter the amount you're paid.

Moses was a culprit to this and got concerned about the work of God and the people he shepherds. He chose to bear the pain judging the Israelites under the sun all day long. He never thought or gave little care for himself either to strategize the work pattern or resume work after some rest. I'm sure he never saw the implication until he accepted Jethro's advice - Ex 18:14ff.
Our love for God and others, the scripture stresses to be first and important as that for self respectively. The question then is ' how can we care for others when we don't care for ourselves?' Its virtually impossible to give what you've not got.

Jesus will gather the disciples to a quiet place or across the sea just to find some rest in spite of the crowd's pressure and  disturbances(Mrk 6:30-32) yet His love towards them and us today still remains the Only perfect one.

Rest from our labour isn't a coward move away from responsibility nor fear to achievement of targets but a moment for adequate reorganization of self(physically, mentally and spiritually) and boost for greater task.
There must be a balance between our service to others and self else we end up serving in futility & without benefit.
Finding a solitary place is often the answer to the reverberatory noise of the world during or after service: De-exceptn+
If this has blessed you in anyway, reflect, appreciate God & demand a way to create needful balance in your activities.
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