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  “ It is crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off” Hebrew 2:1MSG It’s beautiful to see an individual...

Thursday, 2 June 2022



It is crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off” Hebrew 2:1MSG

It’s beautiful to see an individual make a decision for Christ. Like the scripture says and I paraphrase, there’s joy in heaven(even among brethren on earth) when one soul recognise Christ (Luke 15:7).

The steps to accept Christ begins with the recognition and acceptance of the salvific work of Christ for you and mankind- the recognition and acceptance of Christ as your Lord (your Guide, Compass & Everything in totality), confession of sins, receiving of forgiveness. It is a decision to let go of the world (its lust and frivolities) and live a far better life (making impact and benefiting both here on earth and in the life afterward -heaven), and making momentary effort to commune with God through prayer, studying and living the Word.

Truly, it isn’t as easy as some professes, perhaps that could be the cause for some people’s reverse decision. But for a heart willing to decide and anchor to the grace made available, success is sure in spite of the momentary challenges and trials that ensue.

While we see and hook-on to the grace daily, of course consider the joy that fills our heart and would be ours later, we can keep moving patiently in the midst of the hurdles and the sins that does so easily beset us(Hebrew 12) until we meet face to face with our Master and Maker.

If you’re yet to make that decision, it isn’t too late to do so now. Decide in your heart that you’re ready to walk with the Lord, and in His strength willing to give up the frivolities that has kept you away from Christ. And you’re willing and ready to accept Christ, study the Word and live your life in accordance with the scriptures. And if you have already done so, let’s keep moving and trusting in the grace that has been made available for us until our departure or Christ coming.

It could be so grave to know and see even today, some who had accepted the faith, decided to walk in the Path of Life and at some point begin to gradually move backwards instead of making daily progress.

While so lot of people often go with a wrong conception of their maturity in the faith as the number of years they’ve made this decision, its important to iterate emphatically that, our maturity in the faith isn’t just your level of experience, service, and commitment in the things of God, but our daily progress & encounter with Him. Of the number of years you’ve been in the faith, we need to constantly ask ourselves, the level of progress we’ve made.

Often times I begin to wonder and search my mind on what could have made some to think of reverse movement. Yes, for several of those who had retarded in the faith, their reasons and challenges certainly aren’t same. But whatever be it doesn’t worth it, and fixing our eyes on Christ, we can gradually progress and scale through those hurdles.

Our eyes can only be fixed when our roots are deeply found in Christ. It is in daily communion with the Lord that we can find grace through the scriptures to constantly stay close, constantly study and constantly strife to live by it(Word). Hence, James advice, ” Therefore we must give the most ernest heed to the things we’ve heard, lest we drift away”. Heb 2:1. NIV

We must make every effort to hold firm to the truth we believed else it becomes an abomination returning to slavery after we’ve been saved. No wonder the scripture says, its difficult to restore those who were once in the faith.

…it would be better if they had never known the right way to live than to know it and then reject the holy commandments that were given to them… 1Pt 2:21 NLT

Living the Word isn’t magic and it’s never either by doing just what you’ve been instructed to do, by somewhat ‘elders or fathers’ in the faith.

Discipleship is certainly a necessity for maturity but also, it very important strife for daily grow through which one must come to attainment of spiritual maturity, where we no longer need to drink milk (1Pet 2:2) or be tossed about by every wind of doctrine (Eph 4:14) but become matured Christians who eat raw food/bones.

Today every kind of false doctrine sweeps in from all corner. The level of Church proliferation has so drastically increased not with the intention to spread the Gospel and fulfil the Great Commission but with some sort of selfish and ulterior motives to use and harm Christians.

New converts today, even some ‘matured’ Christians are easily brainwashed by the winds of doctrine they welcomed, simply because they lack rooting in the scriptures.

When those assumed to be matured are victims to this propaganda, I wonder what’s the fate of the 'baby' Christians. The only escape to the tricks and pranks of the devil and his agents is complete rooting in the word of God.

Drifting is a gradual process. It happens continually until one come to realisation that there’s a gradual negative change in the person’s life. It may as well happen unaware to some people- these changes may be unnoticeable to the individual until someone calls their attention to it. And that is why we ought to encourage and admonish each other in the word.

You must warn each other every day, while it is still “today,” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God. For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. Remember what it says: “Today when you hear His voice (which often comes through a known voice-human), don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled” Heb 3: 13-15NLT

 Sometimes we struggle to figure out if the person God is speaking through isn’t saying all of these to his/her benefit. Of course mirroring their comments or response with the Word can truly prove whether they are on your side and for your good or their selfish interest.

And for those who constantly mirror their lives with the Word, you’re sure to see these piecemeal changes and necessary action(s) -counselling, prayers and more rooting, taken.

And so, just like Peter,

“Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities and the need to remain firm, although you know them and are established in the truth that you have”. 2Pt 1:12.KJV ( I hope you do same to me too).

Let’s not be caught suddenly by the tricks of these doctrines and as a result slip/drift or continually give in and fall till the day of the Lord( God forbid).

Remember then from what heights you have fallen. Repent (change the inner man to meet God’s will) and do the works you did previously [when first you knew the Lord], or else I will visit you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you change your mind and repent. Rev 2:5 KJV

P.S: I hope you’ve been blessed by this episode? All we’ve got to do is take a few minutes, reflect and see if there are areas of drift in your walk with God and make effort to constantly study the Word and mirror our lives daily with the Word to avoid drifting.                                           

God bless you.
