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Monday, 13 March 2017

My Heart, My Life

The heart is one of the smallest, delicate and powerful organ in the human body but how often do we give it attention just like other body parts especially the skin that some people inject millions of dollars on( Women)?
One could argue and base his/ her reasons to the fact that it is hidden and cannot or never be seen by the owner, therefore may not know 
how the heart feels, look or react to other internal and external factors.
Whether you can have a physical view of it or not isn’t a factor that determines you knowing how it feels( emotions&responds) as well as what it receives and what it gives out.( we are living being)

It is so small but can absorb, carry and control even the world( both negatively and positively), thus; the question(What do you feed your heart with?)
When an object is thrown into the sky, no matter how far it goes and the length of time its spends there, it must surely return unchanged. Thus what you feed your heart is the same it gives out or even more.
(Three basic lessons or more to Learn here, just go further a bit?)
So many have yielded their heart to unspeakable things, words, advice, actions, teachings and philosophies.  Don’t be surprise cos it will eject the same food you fed it. No wonder Solomon will advice and I quote” Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life- KJV” or “Above all else, guard your heart for it affects everything you do- NLT” – Prov.4:23 and Jesus said( paraphrased) ” Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks both good and evil” – Luk 6:45.
We all want to look good, attractive and admired( am sorry to say the ladies especially) but I think and am sure if you’re beautiful inside, certainly the outward beauty is covered or will surface one day, so why not make-up or make-down ( whichever positive) the heart too???????????????? 
Why not build up that heart of yours than your chest( guys)???????????????
(Three basic lessons or more to Learn here, why not just finish it?!)

Be careful of your thoughts for it may become your words and if you’re not careful of your words, they may become your action. If you don’t watch your actions, they may become your lifestyle and a lifestyle lived over years becomes your future.
Your personality and future are both products of what your heart was fed with.
Gdmrn, Gdaftn, Gdeve.

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